HM-T NC Anglemaster Automatic Push Fed Crosscut Saw For Straight & Angle Cutting
A completely automatic upstroke saw specifically designed for the accurate cutting of both straight and angled timber components. The rotation of the sawblade is NC controlled and operates very quickly and accurately. The machine has applications in all areas where there is a requirement to cut at angles. Applications include:- Timber frame housing, Garden products, Decking, and any other applications requiring the cutting of angles. In addition the machine operate as a standard upstroke crosscut for straight cutting. The machine operates by pushing the boards to the correct position using an integral NC pusher before automatically operating the saw.
The crosscutting saw consists of:
sawing machine with 60° rotation
6000 mm capacity infeed (overall length 8000mm)
4000mm outfeed table
Sawing machine specifications:
7.5 hp motor 550 mm saw blade diameter,
160 mm maximum sawing height,
maximum noise level 81 dB
Pusher specifications:
Positioning accuracy 0.1 mm 65 m/min maximum speed AC motor with toothed rack, controlled by a frequency regulator steel guide with adjustable Linear bearings
Computer specifications:
Industrial computer with colour monitor 1.2 Gb hard disk and USB & ethernet connections
H&M developed software using Windows
Touch Screen operation
Outfeed monitor to display cut sizes and references
General: The software allows for on site creation and storage of sawing lists.
Sawing lists may also be created during work preparation. They can then be loaded into the machine’s computer from USB key or via ethernet connection. Creating sawing lists is very simple. The software’s graphic interface allows the selection of a specific beam model, upon which the relevant measurements are keyed in. The measurements may be entered in various ways, depending on which system is used during work preparation. The 1.2 Gb hard disk used allows for permanent storage of hundreds of sawing lists.
An onboard optimisation package is included which allows cutting lists entered or imported to be test optimised against timber lengths to generate an pre-optimised cutting list. This includes one import routine from external design package. An optional external software package, Optimaster is also available, for importing of cutting lists from multiple software packages, such as Excel, BTL DDS, Consultec, HSB, Sema, Vertex, Cadworks & Dietrichs. This package includes stock control, full optimisation and automatic download to any number of saws.
Year - 2020 CE
Available - End May
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Enhance your door frame production with the Centauro Alfa Jamb CNC through-feed machine.
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