A completely automatic upstroke saw suitable for cutting single and packs of timber. The machine is equipped with a rack and pinion positioning system to ensure accurate positioning for both long and short lengths. The machine is of heavy duty construction and is suitable for heavy or variable weights of timber. The sawblade action is in a quarter circle enabling wide sections of timber to be crosscut.
7.9m infeed equipped with rollers (and steel infil pieces) to within 2m of the saw, with sheet table thereafter. This length will give a 6m clear loading capacity
Standard HM-D saw unit with 7.5hp motor
Maximum cutting height 150mm - widths see leaflet
4m Outfeed table
Outfeed monitor to show cut sizes
Full industrial pc controller with touch screen and sequence software. Ethernet card for linking to the office.
Facility to either program at the saw, or use the machine manually either as a pusher to align timber or as a stop.
Facility for the operator to amend cutting patterns at the saw
Right to left feed
Serial nr - 0982
Year - 2013 CE Compliant
Available Mid May 2025
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Enhance your door frame production with the Centauro Alfa Jamb CNC through-feed machine.
Automatic loading and unloading, simple programming and advanced machining capabilities make this machine ideal for volume production.
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