Pallets are a valuable resource across a range of industries and you should feel confident in keeping up with demand.
We can provide machinery solutions to suit your specific pallet making needs and answer any questions you may have.
Form’s range of machinery is specifically designed for pallet making - including block cutting, notching and board chamfering. Ideal for volume production, you can scale up your pallet production with this cutting-edge range of machinery.
With programmable features and customisable settings, automatic crosscut saws will boost your pallet making process by saving time and producing consistent results.
Browse our range of high speed automatic crosscut saws, ideal for the pallet production industry.
Adam, Shutter Studio
We certainly could not achieve the success we have without the machinery and amazing customer service from JJ Smith.
Kaleb D.
Reliable supplier of quality woodworking machinery at fair prices. All in all an honest supplier - thanks!
P. Tomlinson
Always receive an excellent service from JJ Smith from sales to service. Keep up the excellent work!
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Enhance your door frame production with the Centauro Alfa Jamb CNC through-feed machine.
Automatic loading and unloading, simple programming and advanced machining capabilities make this machine ideal for volume production.
Find out more