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Knowsley Labour Candidate, Anneliese Midgley, visits JJ Smith Headquarters

In a bid to forge connections and discuss the future of the Knowsley community, Anneliese Midgley, Labour’s Parliamentary Candidate for Knowsley, paid a visit to JJ Smith’s headquarters in Kirkby, Liverpool.

22nd April 2024

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Ms Midgley was selected as Labour’s candidate after veteran Knowsley MP George Howarth, who has represented the area for nearly 40 years, announced he would step down at the General Election later this year.

Rachael Baker, Managing Director at JJ Smith extended a warm welcome to Ms Midgley, emphasising the importance of dialogue on modern methods of construction (MMC). Rachael comments:

“We were pleased to host Ms Midgley at JJ Smith to discuss modern construction practices, industrial strategy and the future trajectory of Knowsley. We engaged in great conversations centred around our shared ambitions to improve the quality of lives and aspirations for the Knowsley community.”

Knowsley MP Visits JJ Smith

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