Deltawood RD 3CA 3 Head CNC Swing Chisel Mortiser

About this Product

A 3 head CNC controlled swing chisel mortiser with 9 controlled CN axis, this machine offers both flexibility and high volume production. It is ideal for mortising of fence posts, gates, door stiles window sections etc. The worktable is 4000mm x 300mm and id fitted with full length vertical and horizontal clamp beams. The actual motising heads are the Deltawood patented design and they are each independently controlled and programmed on X, Y and Z axis. On request the machine can be equipped with infeed automatic vertical or horizontal piece loading system and also either inline automatic outfeed belt discharge or horizontal outfeed system for multiple pieces.


A 3 head CNC controlled swing chisel mortiser with 9 controlled CN axis, this machine offers both flexibility and high volume production

CNC operation 

Very flexible

Auto loading option


Heavy duty steel frame to give maximum stability and machining accuracy
All main axis with precision ball / screw drives
Table size 4000mm x 300mm
Work piece max section size 220 x 160mm
Full length vertical / horizontal pneumatic clamping beams
X and Y axis zero points for workpiece positioning
Fully automatic working sequence
Automatic lubrication system to ball screw / linear slides, controlled through the CN
3 x independent controlled swing chisel mortise heads. each with dedicated extraction point.
Each head 3hp motor, 2800 rpm
Free standing electrical control panel with industrial PC 22" monitor, keyboard and mouse. Dedicated 'Quatro-Zero' software for programming
Safety protections according to CE norms, including front safety light beams

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