A new fully programmable 3 axis horizontal CNC swing chisel mortiser suitable for general joinery and furniture production. By a combination of automatic movement of the mortisting head in the x axis and an automatic gripper that positions the timber no manual movement or handling of the component is required other than loading and positioning the timber against the pneumatic reference stop and then unloading when the mortising cycle is finished.
The complete movement, clamping and mortising cycle is fully automatic. X,Y and Z axis movements are all via re-circulating ball and screw drives and using linear slideways to give maximum positioning accuracy. Thanks to the programmable Z axis it is possible to produce off line mortises, double mortises or produce thicker mortise slots with the same chisel.
Programming is very simple thanks to the 'user friendly' graphic touch screen controller were programs can be memorised and stored under a number or specific name up to 8 characters. The swing chisel cutter itself produces a very clean mortise slot and if required for deep mortises upto 3 depths of cut can be programmed to give a 'woodpecker' type cutting operation.
Other programming options include working off either the face of the timber or the thickness and the possibility to produce mirror image components (left/right hand) in one program. On request the machine can be equipped with a separate dedicated programmable hollow chisel head for producing the small mortise holes for glazing bars.
Alternatively a horizontal milling head can be specified that can be used for hinge recessing, slotting for louvre doors etc etc.
A new fully programmable 3 axis horizontal CNC swing chisel mortiser suitable for general joinery and furniture production
No marking out required
Simple Programming
Reapeat accuracy
A new fully programmable 3 axis horizontal CNC swing chisel mortiser suitable for general joinery and furniture production. By a combination of automatic movement of the mortisting head in the x axis and an automatic gripper that positions the timber no manual movement or handling of the component is required other than loading and positioning the timber against the pneumatic reference stop and then unloading when the mortising cycle is finished.
The complete movement, clamping and mortising cycle is fully automatic. X,Y and Z axis movements are all via re-circulating ball and screw drives and using linear slideways to give maximum positioning accuracy. Thanks to the programmable Z axis it is possible to produce off line mortises, double mortises or produce thicker mortise slots with the same chisel.
Programming is very simple thanks to the 'user friendly' graphic touch screen controller were programs can be memorised and stored under a number or specific name up to 8 characters. The swing chisel cutter itself produces a very clean mortise slot and if required for deep mortises upto 3 depths of cut can be programmed to give a 'woodpecker' type cutting operation.
Other programming options include working off either the face of the timber or the thickness and the possibility to produce mirror image components (left/right hand) in one program. On request the machine can be equipped with a separate dedicated programmable hollow chisel head for producing the small mortise holes for glazing bars.
Alternatively a horizontal milling head can be specified that can be used for hinge recessing, slotting for louvre doors etc etc.
X axis stroke 1100mm.
Y axis stroke 250mm. Max. depth of cut 120mm (depending on chisel size)
Z-axis stroke 100mm Max. workpiece height of 120mm.
All movements on re-circulating ball and screw drive with brushless motor
Max. workpiece width 200mm (wider on request).
Max. swing chisel thickness 20mm.
Min . slot length 25mm approx (with swing chisel)
Min. slot thickness 6mm.
3 vertical pneumatic clamps.
3 horizontal pneumatic clamps.
4 hp main motor.
'Power 1000' touch screen graphic controller with 99 programs each with 50 lines. USB key facility.
Programmable speed for cutting depth.
Anti splinter guards with air blowers and dust extraction points.1 x 80mm 1 x 60mm dia.
Working table dimensions 1210mm x 215mm
Installed power 3.6kw. (std machine)
Air supply 6 bar / 470 l/min consumption.
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Enhance your door frame production with the Centauro Alfa Jamb CNC through-feed machine.
Automatic loading and unloading, simple programming and advanced machining capabilities make this machine ideal for volume production.
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