A substantially built double-ended notching machine that can machine the ends of timber lengths for shaping, tenoning, and slotting.
The machine is enclosed in a safety enclosure with a pneumatic opening front screen to easily, quickly, and safely load/unload the machine. On request, it is possible for each milling head to be angled. Timber can be stacked and machined up to 200mm in depth
A substantially built double ended notching machine that can machine the ends of timber lengths for shaping, tenoning and slotting
High production
Double ended
Simple operation
A substantially built double-ended notching machine that can machine the ends of timber lengths for shaping, tenoning, and slotting.
The machine is enclosed in a safety enclosure with a pneumatic opening front screen to easily, quickly, and safely load/unload the machine. On request, it is possible for each milling head to be angled. Timber can be stacked and machined up to 200mm in depth
1+1 milling heads, each 4kw, 6000 rpm, speed adjusted by inverter.
Left side fixed / right side moving on precision linear slides with an LCD width readout and pneumatic locking.
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Enhance your door frame production with the Centauro Alfa Jamb CNC through-feed machine.
Automatic loading and unloading, simple programming and advanced machining capabilities make this machine ideal for volume production.
Find out more